Private School Health Requirements

Health Assessment School Physicals

As required by Florida law, all students up to the age of nine must have on file a completed health assessment (physical) form. The assessment may be completed by a physician. Exemptions under this policy may be obtained by a written statement signed by one parent/guardian that the student is adherent of a religious denomination whose teachings are opposed to such assessments.


Immunization requirements and recommendations for the school year are based on the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommendations and the consensus of the Governor’s Child Health Advisory Committee Immunization Workgroup.


Medication must be administered by designated school personnel. The parent or guardian must provide the medication in its original bottle accompanied by a current signed Request For Administration Of Medication form.


Students who are ill should never be sent to school. Students with temperatures at or above 100 degrees will be sent home. They must be fever free and symptom for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication before returning to class.

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